Breathing Space

Having now been living at home for a couple of weeks I can honestly say that having room to breathe and not be surrounded by a constant buzzing city really does do your mental and physical health a world of wonder. It seems like for the first time in ages I've been able to find a calm that was missing from my hectic working schedule in Glasgow.

Don't get me wrong I love Glasgow - it's just that I'm not sure that Glasgow was loving me back in the past three or four months. Not being able to sleep at night and physically seeing my health rapidly deteriorate as a side effect of this, as well as suffering the worst bout of eczema I've ever had was a bit of a shock, and it definitely played on my mental state. 

I think people who haven't had eczema probably don't understand how ill it can make you - we're talking all over your body, raised and sore dry skin, discolouration, and a lot of what I like to call craters (basically nicks out of your skin from where you've scratched too much or too hard and literally gouged little chunks out.) All the symptoms are undoubtedly linked - the eczema, the not sleeping, the anxiety and self-consciousness because of this which then affects the way you think and feel trying to face the world everyday.

The good news is that I'm definitely recovering. Although still battling the eczema as it comes and goes, my face is almost back to normal which was my main concern out of everything (though I'm still not brave enough to try wearing make up again.) 

I think just giving myself time to rest and chill out plus going to acupuncture has really released a lot of the built up tension and worries I was hoarding. Add a little (or rather alot!) of Aveeno cream, some fresh air and a lot of sleep and we're nearly back to 100%. 

What I find the most insane is how much your mental state affects everything. Focusing on your anxieties and the negative aspects of your life really does affect your health and even more so your recovery. 

If you're struggling like me all I can say is try and keep your head above water and distract your attention away from yourself and more on your surroundings. Try and stay positive: the best way I've found of doing this is to remind myself that everything is temporary - your ill health, your mental state, your anxieties - all of it. Knowing there is an end in sight really does help stop me dwelling on the negative.

Of course if you want to reach out for a chat I am here and I am listening. Having friends, whether they be real life or on the internet, really does make a difference, so if you need me I'm here.


Melissa   x